Have you ever put together an emergency kit for your vehicle? There’s no better time than now, because if you find yourself in an emergency situation unprepared, you will regret it. So make a plan now to build your own vehicle emergency kit using the following tips.
How to Build your Own First Aid Kit
If you buy the components of a first aid kit yourself, you can usually save money. Buy a small plastic container with a secure lid from a dollar store or a small tool box from a hardware store and fill it with the following:
- Adhesive Bandages
- Gauze
- Antibiotic Ointment
- Acetaminophen and/or Ibuprofen
- Thermal Blanket
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Anti-Septic Wipes
- Non-Latex Gloves
- Tweezers
- First Aid Guide
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Other Important Emergency Kit Items
One of the most important things you can keep in your car is a flashlight. If your car breaks down or becomes otherwise inoperable at night or when visibility is poor, you should have a flashlight. Keep a battery-powered flashlight with you and extra batteries (checked monthly) or a crank-powered flashlight.
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Road Flares
Emergency Vehicles are most likely to find you if you have a road flare. If you can’t get road flares, collapsible high-visibility street markers may be of use. In much the same vein, you should keep a few high-visibility vests with you in case you do need to get out of your car at nighttime.
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Protein-Rich Snack Food
Want an excuse to store some delicious snacks in your car? In an emergency, you will be glad you did. Just make sure you store non-perishable foods like dried fruits, nuts, jerky, and other nutrient-dense snacks. Rotate these out of your vehicle every month or two so they stay fresh. These may be lifesavers if you get stranded somewhere and need energy to get to safety.